Our Staff

Meet The Zion Lutheran Staff

Our leadership team recognizes the authority of God and realizes that we are shepherds who serve under the Chief Shepherd, Jesus Christ. We desire to devote ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of the Word. Our passion and goal is to equip the believers for the work of the ministry until we all attain maturity in the fullness of Christ.

Rev. Clyde Kieschnick

Pastor K was born and raised in Lee County, near Lincoln, TX. He is a graduate of St. John’s Academy, Winfield, KS, and a graduate of St. John’s Jr. College, also of Winfield, in 1972. It was there he met his wife Ellen and they were married in 1973. Pastor K graduated from the University of Houston with a bachelor’s degree in sociology in 1976 and attended Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, in 1978-80 and 1988-89.

Pastor K graduated from the University of Houston with a bachelor’s degree in sociology in 1976 and attended Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, in 1978-80 and 1988-89. After completing a vicarage at St. Paul Lutheran Church in Garner, IA, he was ordained and installed as the first assistant pastor in 1990. In October of 1996 he accepted the call to serve as the senior pastor in Garner and served that call until March of 2002 when he accepted the call to serve at Zion Lutheran Church in Abilene, Texas.

Pastor K is a “second career” pastor whose other occupations included working as a dairy farmer, being employed with the US Postal Office, and as a representative for Aid Association for Lutherans. In his free time, PK enjoys gardening, golfing, fishing, hunting and brewing wine and beer. He and Ellen have three grown children and six grandchildren.

Rev. Craig Sanders

Craig was born in San Marcos Texas. He lived in the San Marcos / Austin area until his father was transferred and the family moved to Abilene. He attended Cooper High School and Hardin-Simmons University graduating in 1989 with a Bachelor of Business Administration degree majoring in finance. He moved to San Antonio where he met Kathy. They were married in 1994, began their life together, and started a family. They moved to Abilene in 1999 where he and his family became members of Zion, transferring from Concordia Lutheran in San Antonio. He was quickly asked to serve as an Elder at Zion. He served as an Elder and Chairman of the Board of Elders for almost 22 years.
During his service as an Elder, Craig often filled in for Pastor Kieschnick when he was out of town, leading the services, and delivering the sermon, sometimes that he would write himself. Throughout the years he has taught many different Bible studies and participated in Advent and Lent programs. After several years of feeling called into the ministry, and with the support of his wife and the members of Zion, Craig entered into the Specific Ministry Pastor (SMP) program at Concordia Seminary, St Louis in August of 2021. He served as Zion’s part-time Vicar until September of 2022 when he became our full-time Vicar. He was ordained on February 18, 2024 and became our second full-time pastor. Craig and Kathy have four children, Nicole, Amy, and twins Matthew and Kelsey, one energetic grand-daughter, Stella, and two son-in-law’s, CJ Harrold, and Noah Pruitt.
After several years of feeling called into the ministry, and with the support of his wife and the members of Zion, Craig entered into the Specific Ministry Pastor (SMP) program at Concordia Seminary, St Louis in August of 2021. He served as Zion’s part-time Vicar until September of 2022 when he became our full-time Vicar. He was ordained on February 18, 2024 and became our second full-time pastor. Craig and Kathy have four children, Nicole, Amy, and twins Matthew and Kelsey, one energetic grand-daughter, Stella, and two son-in-law’s, CJ Harrold, and Noah Pruitt.

Mary Jo Whitt

Mary Jo joined our staff in 2022 and serves as Zion’s office manager. She will be the one to greet you at the door Monday-Friday, answer your phone calls or reply to your e-mail. Mary Jo’s list of duties is long but essential to our church.
She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Communications from Angelo State University. She also is a licensed real estate agent and has a Landman Certification.
Mary Jo and her husband Tim have two adopted dogs. Brutus and Bailey. Brutus is a chiwini mix and Bailey is a terrier mix. She loves dark chocolate and loves to brighten people’s day.

Robin Davis

Robin is passionate for the Lord and her work to serve him. She has many roles here at Zion Lutheran Church. She works with the youth group (confirmed youth) planning bible studies and activities on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights. Robin also teaches our younger children during Sunday morning children’s church. When not working with Zion youth, Robin is busy planning family events and helping new members feel welcome. Robin and her husband Josh have been members of Zion Lutheran Church since 2013.
She has a Bachelor’s of Music (Music Education) from McMurry University. Robin previously served as the Choir Director for Wylie High School. Her Husband is a Sergeant Detective for the Abilene Police Department. They have 4 children. Jackson, Lilly, Andrew and Rosie.

Josh Rucker

Josh has been involved with music and ministry his entire life. He learned to play the piano at the age of 10 and has been adding instruments to his repertoire ever since. His background in the Church of Christ and several choirs also gave him a passion for singing.

In 2006, he joined Zion Lutheran Church and became a confirmed Lutheran so he could better use both his instrumental and vocal talents to serve. Josh is married to his wife Megan. They have four children: Jacob, Eliana, Simon and Benjamin.

He enjoys performing live, recording music, gaming and learning/reading more about science and the world.

Richard Burke

Richard leads Zion’s Traditional Music Ministry. He conducts the Chancel Choir and Zion Handbell group for the Sunday 8:30am service and on Wednesday evenings, he leads music for the Blended style “Refresh” worship service. During liturgical seasons, Richard combines our Chancel Choir, Zion Ringers, and Zion Orchestra for special worship services. He has taught classes on church music history and hymnody at Zion.
Richard is a former operatic tenor. He sang principle operatic roles and concerts extensively in Europe and in the US. He earned a BA in Religion and Arts from Scarritt College for Christian Workers, and an MA in Vocal Performance and Pedagogy from the University of North Texas. Richard taught on the voice faculties of UNT, and Abilene Christian University.
In addition to teaching voice, Richard plays and teaches guitar, and composes music. He has arranged many hymns, songs and anthems for Zion. He composed three major works for choir, handbells, and orchestra, which are used in rotation at Zion for Good Friday Tenebrae worship services. He loves the science and practicum of vocal pedagogy, loves church history, world history, gardening, cooking and grandparenting.

Stacie Lopez

Stacie is a third generation Lutheran having been baptized and confirmed at Our Redeemer Lutheran Church in Wichita Falls, Texas. After completing her degree in Journalism at Texas Tech University, she moved to Abilene where she became a News Reporter and Anchor for KTAB News. Stacie married her husband John Mark in 2018 where she became a step-mom to her son John Mark Jr. In 2020, the Lopez family welcomed a new son Levi.

She leads our Vacation Bible School and assists with other events and activities for our youngest members. Stacie also leads our marketing board where she oversees our advertising and publicity.