Our Staff
Meet The Zion Lutheran Staff

Rev. Clyde Kieschnick
- Pastor
- pastork@zion-abilene.org
Pastor K was born and raised in Lee County, near Lincoln, TX. He is a graduate of St. John’s Academy, Winfield, KS, and a graduate of St. John’s Jr. College, also of Winfield, in 1972. It was there he met his wife Ellen and they were married in 1973. Pastor K graduated from the University of Houston with a bachelor’s degree in sociology in 1976 and attended Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, in 1978-80 and 1988-89.
Pastor K graduated from the University of Houston with a bachelor’s degree in sociology in 1976 and attended Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, in 1978-80 and 1988-89. After completing a vicarage at St. Paul Lutheran Church in Garner, IA, he was ordained and installed as the first assistant pastor in 1990. In October of 1996 he accepted the call to serve as the senior pastor in Garner and served that call until March of 2002 when he accepted the call to serve at Zion Lutheran Church in Abilene, Texas.
Pastor K is a “second career” pastor whose other occupations included working as a dairy farmer, being employed with the US Postal Office, and as a representative for Aid Association for Lutherans. In his free time, PK enjoys gardening, golfing, fishing, hunting and brewing wine and beer. He and Ellen have three grown children and six grandchildren.

Rev. Craig Sanders
- Pastor
- craig@zion-abilene.org

Mary Jo Whitt
- Office Manager
- office@zion-abilene.org

Robin Davis
- Youth Director & Family And New Member Ministries
- robin.davis.lutheran@gmail.com

Josh Rucker
- Worship Ministry and YACHT Club
- josh@zion-abilene.org
In 2006, he joined Zion Lutheran Church and became a confirmed Lutheran so he could better use both his instrumental and vocal talents to serve. Josh is married to his wife Megan. They have four children: Jacob, Eliana, Simon and Benjamin.

Richard Burke
- Music Ministry

Stacie Lopez
- VBS Leader and Marketing Director
Stacie is a third generation Lutheran having been baptized and confirmed at Our Redeemer Lutheran Church in Wichita Falls, Texas. After completing her degree in Journalism at Texas Tech University, she moved to Abilene where she became a News Reporter and Anchor for KTAB News. Stacie married her husband John Mark in 2018 where she became a step-mom to her son John Mark Jr. In 2020, the Lopez family welcomed a new son Levi.